YES Prep Public Schools


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Policies & Procedures

The YES Prep Federal & State Government Grants & Compliance team seeks to provide high-quality support and assistance to YES Prep Public Schools grant-seekers to maximize the amount of funding available to support all phases of the educational process. YES Prep has policies and procedures in place to regulate and provide guidance for all phases of the grant process. The policies apply to the grant development process, applications and proposals, review committee, and monitoring. For additional questions, please email 

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III)

YES Prep Public Schools is eligible for the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER III). The ARP ESSER III grant will be used to address learning loss, underserved students, identify and provide homeless children and youth with services, and support additional public education needs.
Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan

As an ESSER III grant recipient, YES Prep must make available for public comment our “Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan.” You can view our plans below:

Send Us Your Feedback

As a valued member of the YES Prep community, we welcome your feedback regarding our plan via this form. It is our desire to build and maintain a plan that is responsive to the needs of students, families, and educators. 

Periodic “Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan” Review
  1. YES Prep will periodically review, no less frequently than every six months for the duration of the ARP ESSER grant period (i.e., through September 30, 2023), and revise our plan as appropriate.
  2. YES Prep will seek public input and take such input into account regarding: (1) whether revisions are necessary and, if so, (2) making any revisions to the plan.
  3. YES Prep will take in to advisement community transmission levels as well as local public health guidance in the creation of all plans.

Planned Uses of ESSER III Funds

As a grant recipient, YES Prep must engage and give its stakeholders, students, parents, families, and staff the opportunity to provide input in the development of its plan for the uses of ARP ESSER III funds.  The following principles will guide our planning efforts alongside stakeholder feedback: 

  • Compliance: Ensure adherence to guidelines and employ best practices. 
  • Impact: prioritize programs/products that maximize and stimulate student learning. 
  • Long Game: Situate the organization for sustainability given funds are not permanent. 
  • Capacity: Understand there is limited staff and student limiting our ability to implement new efforts. 
  • Transparency: Provide visibility with intended spending of grant funds. 

As a valued member of the YES Prep community, we are seeking your input on the proposed plan for the use of the approximately $49 million in ARP ESSER III funds. It is our desire to build a plan that is responsive to the needs of students, families, and educators.

Our planned uses of ESSER III funds can be viewed at the following links:
Send us your feedback

We welcome your input and feedback via this form to be reviewed for possible inclusion into our proposed plan for ARP ESSER III. 

2014-2020 Charter Schools Program (CSP) Grant Final Report


Technology Policy and CIPA

The YES Prep Technology Policy and CIPA policies can be viewed here: Technology Policy