SAT Test Prep
SAT Prep at YES Prep
College-readiness is YES Prep's North Star. We believe that by empowering students to be successful in college, we prepare students for any pathway. All students experience an aligned and rigorous curriculum, a supportive environment, and have exposure to career and extra-curricular opportunities- all in service of pursuing lives of opportunity.
A key component of our students' college-readiness is their performance on college entrance exams like the SAT. Although a student's performance on the SAT is not the only factor used in determining a student's admissibility to college, it is an important factor in a student’s application to college. Performing well on the SAT means that our students are more competitive for admission to a wider variety of institutions. Additionally, strong scores provide greater access to the scholarships and financial aid needed to make attending college affordable.
Given the power SAT scores have to either close or open doors for our students, YES Prep has made SAT Prep for our juniors a district-wide priority. YES Prep proudly offers our students in-school Kaplan SAT Prep through our Junior Seminar course. This includes their own SAT Practice book and multiple weeks of dedicated SAT instruction before each administration. Our Junior Seminar program gives students access to the same SAT practice and preparation opportunities that other families pay private tutoring services between $400 - $2,000 for, at no cost to our students and families.
Our Junior Seminar program gives students access to the same type of SAT Prep that some families pay private tutoring services between $400 - $2,000 at no costs to our students and families.Additionally, YES Prep has invested in one-to-one technology for every junior during Junior Seminar class. As a result of this technology, students can engage in dedicated, individualized SAT practice on Khan Academy 2-3 days a week. Students will take the official SAT twice in their junior year. Students will also be able to retake the exam a third time in the fall of their senior year if they choose. Taking the SAT multiple times gives our students the best opportunity to achieve a college-ready score.
Beyond test prep provided in Junior Seminar, YES Prep is committed to ensuring that our English Language Arts and Math courses remain SAT aligned. Through these efforts, our students are exposed to and prepared for the rigor of the SAT content.
When will my student take the SAT?
Each YES Prep Student has 3 opportunities to take the SAT. Twice during their Junior Year, with an additional opportunity during their Senior Year. Choose your graduation year below to see when you may be taking the SAT and when you can expect to receive test scores.
YES Prep SAT Resources
Looking for answers on how register for the SAT, SAT subject exams, and anything else not covered here? Check out the College Board SAT homepage and their Help page for answers to commonly asked questions.