YES Prep Public Schools

Pre-K Family Engagement

“The mutual responsibility of families, schools, and communities to build relationships to support student learning and achievement, support family well-being and the continuous learning and development of children, families, and educators. Family engagement is fully integrated in the child’s educational experience and is both culturally and linguistically appropriate.” 

- Texas Administrative Code §102.1003.

YES Prep Public Schools, in accordance with the House Bill 3 High-Quality Pre-Kindergarten guidelines, created a High-Quality Pre-Kindergarten (HQPK) Family Engagement Plan to promote partnership between our school, families, and our community to ensure the successful outcomes for our youngest learners in our pre-kindergarten program.

Collaboratively, we all share the responsibility to encourage and support initiatives, activities, and practices that enhance the success of student learning and achievement. 

Family Engagement Plan Development Committee Members:  

  • Lance Menster, Managing Director, Elementary Academics 
  • Ashley Dalton, Managing Director, Elementary Special Populations 
  • Christian Gonzalez, Director, Prekindergarten Program 

Contact Person for Families: Christian Gonzalez

Family Engagement Plan

Transition Activities:

  • Provide school tours/visits with local childcare providers and the community to encourage smooth transitions to kindergarten 
  • Create a transition plan to support children and families moving from one grade to the next grade level 
  • Provide summer programming- Camp CHISPAS to increase English Language proficiency to our English Learners 

Linguistic & Culturally Inclusive Practices: 

  • Provide ongoing professional development to educators on culturally responsive topics with an early childhood focus  
  • Use home languages for all communications sent to families 
  • Provide translators and interpreters during all events 

YES Prep Public Schools HQPK Family Engagement Plan is one of the strategies our district uses to guide collaborative success. The positive relationships between staff and families that YES prep Public Schools promotes through the HQPK Family Engagement plan, help build a shared understanding of how we can work together to ensure every child will reach their full potential, from birth to kindergarten and beyond. 

The YES Prep Elementary Academics team uses a self-assessment tool provided by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to identify and evaluate areas of need and areas of growth. The results then determine the district’s pathway for improvement, to continue providing high-quality education for our pre-K students. 

The results can be found by clicking on the resource below. You can also view the PDF by clicking here.

First page of the PDF file: YESPrep2023-24PKProgramSelf-Assessment