YES Prep Public Schools

Dyslexia Services

Dyslexia is a neurological condition.  The characteristics of dyslexia include difficulty with recognizing words accurately and quickly, difficulty breaking down words, and poor spelling.  If a student is suspected of having dyslexia, they will be evaluated through Special Education, as required by House Bill 3928. 

Elementary students demonstrating need in fluency, decoding, spelling, or phonological awareness receive differentiated support from their teacher during the literacy block.  Every day, all students receive research-based direct instruction that is systematic, taught to mastery, and multisensory.

Students in 6th and 7th grade who demonstrate gaps in their reading level are enrolled in a reading intervention class where they receive research-based direct instruction in fluency and comprehension.  

Universal Screening Process

YES Prep students go through a universal screening process in kindergarten through 2nd grades and in 7th grade as required by the state of Texas, which includes formal and informal data, to determine if they demonstrate characteristics of dyslexia.  If students in any grade displays a pattern of characteristics of dyslexia, they may be referred for an additional screening by their classroom teacher, the campus interventionists, or the Literacy Specialist. 

Services Offered

Once identified, students with dyslexia are served through Special Education and provided with research-based individualized supports.  YES Prep offers small group reading instruction with a targeted and research-based curriculum to students with dyslexia who demonstrate a need for this intervention.  The  Annual Review & Dismissal (ARD) Committee meets at least yearly to review and recommend additional accommodations & services for all students enrolled in these programs.    A list of instructional and testing accommodations will be given to families as part of the Individualized Education Plan.  Additional instructional and testing accommodations information can be found on the TEA Accommodations Resources page

Elementary Interventionists, secondary Literacy Specialists, and Special Education Teachers receive extensive training and development through the Region 4 dyslexia intervention program, Reading by Design: An Individualized Reading Intervention. For elementary students whose home language is Spanish, our team of trained staff uses Esperanza.  Both of these programs have a systematic, multisensory approach aligned with research-based practices for developing literacy and are designed for students with dyslexia. 

For more information, review the Dyslexia Handbook (English, Español).

Additional Resources

Offers tips to help you help your child become engaged with enriching human-read audiobooks.
Parents/Families can find resources to help your child read and write with practical ideas and strategies based on what works.
Provides free library services to qualifying Texans with visual, physical, or reading disabilities.

TEA Resources for IDEA, Dyslexia, MTSS, and Section 504

A project of the Family to Family Network committed to providing accurate and consistent information to parents and families of students with disabilities.
Dedicated to shaping a world where millions of people who learn and think differently can thrive at home, at school, and at work by connecting families to resources, expertise, and communities that bolster confidence.