YES Prep Public Schools

Bilingual Programming

*Haga clic el botón de arriba para leer en Español.*

The goal of the Bilingual Program at YES Prep is to develop biliteracy. We do this by strengthening students’ home language of Spanish, supporting them in transferring content mastery and developing English language fluency. By the time our SPARKS leave our elementary campuses, they will be able to think, read, write and speak in both Spanish and English in any setting.

The YES Prep Bilingual Program is designed to:​

  • Develop full biliteracy in students whose native language is Spanish.​
  • Introduce, develop and master academic competency in the English language gradually across grade levels.​
  • Maintain and develop skills in the Spanish language and culture while introducing, maintaining and developing skills in English and developing competency in both languages. ​
  • Prepare students for the sixth-grade English only program with English as a Second Language (ESL) supports in preparation for college-ready success.

Elementary Bilingual Program results

Difference between the Bilingual Program and ESL  

Bilingual Program 

ESL (English as a Second Language) Program

  • Students receive most of their instruction in Spanish 

  • Students have a block of English Language Development (ELD) daily.  Science & Social Studies are taught in English 

  • As students grow, the amount of time spent in English increases and the ELD block is longer

  • Students receive all of their instruction in English 
  • Students receive additional supports to develop English provided by the classroom teacher 

What a day in a Bilingual classroom is like

The following is a list of the Core Content and the language it is taught in. (Depending on the grade level, the time will vary.)

  • Class Connect & Launch (Spanish), 10-20 minutes
  • Reading Foundational Skills (Spanish), 15-30 minutes
  • Language Arts & Reading (Spanish), 45-60 minutes
  • Reading Small Group (Spanish), 30-40 minutes
  • Language Development (English), 30-60 minutes
  • Math Routines & Eureka Math (Spanish), 60-65 minutes 
  • Math Small Group Instruction (Spanish), 25-40 minutes 
  • Core Enrichment (English), 45 minutes
  • Science / Social Studies (English), 40-60 minutes 
  • Closing Routine (Spanish), 10 minutes

Important note: In fifth grade, students in the Bilingual Program switch to majority English instruction in Language Arts and Math, with a block every day for Spanish Content and Language Supports.  

How students qualify

  • Families complete the Home Language Survey as part of registration 
  • Based on the results of the Home Language Survey, students’ language is tested in both Spanish and English 
  • Based on students’ scores in both languages, students are placed in the Bilingual or ESL program 
  • Families approve or deny Emergent Bilingual services at the start of the year

Resources for families 

Each campus has an Assistant Principal over the Bilingual Program. When you contact the main number for the campus, you can ask for the Assistant Principal over the Bilingual Program.

Frequently Asked Questions