School Day & Year
As a public school system, YES Prep is held to the same academic standards as independent school districts (ISDs). The TEA requires 75,600 minutes of instruction per school year with one school day defined as 420 minutes. All districts - charter and ISD - can develop the calendar that best meets the needs of their students and families so long as the minimum number of instructional minutes is satisfied annually. School hours are as follows:
Elementary: 7:25 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Secondary: 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
YES Prep provides free bus transportation for all students who live within their school’s zone but more than two miles from the school. Students who do not reside within the priority zone may enroll and provide their own transportation.
Click here to visit our Transportation webpage.
School Dress Code
At YES Prep, we believe the purpose of the dress code is to create a sense of identity while also creating boundaries for school to be a physically and emotionally safe space. Through a more flexible dress policy, we can create a sense of community through spirit shirts and outerwear while still allowing for kid autonomy and choice in their clothing to ensure their comfort. This also ensures that adult energy is focused on learning, celebration and growth within the school community.
Students will follow the dress code policy as outlined in the Individual Campus Supplement for their school.
To visit your campus website and social media pages, click here.