MAP Growth
What is MAP and what does it tell me about my child’s academic progress?
The NWEA MAP test is a computer-adaptive standardized test that measures a student’s skills in different subjects. It’s designed to measure a student’s progress and growth over time. MAP helps educators understand where your child’s academic strengths and weaknesses are, so they can tailor instructions to meet your child’s unique learning needs. It also helps track your child’s academic growth over time.
To track your students’ progress, YES Prep will be administering MOY MAP to elementary and secondary students.
Which grade levels take beginning of the year MAP?
All kinder through fifth grade students will be taking MAP assessment August 21 - September 11, 2024.
All sixth through eight grade students will be taking MAP assessment August 26 - September 6, 2024.
How can you support your child with MAP testing?
There is no need to prepare a student for MAP testing. However, families can support their students in the following ways:
Ensure your child is at school everyday and on time especially on the testing dates
Talk to your child about the importance of doing their best to show what they know and can do on their test
Making sure they eat a good breakfast, either at home or at school
Reach out to your child’s teacher if you want to learn extra ways in which you can support your students’ growth
Provide a space for your child to talk about any worries or testing anxiety they may have.
More information
If you want to learn more about MAP please visit