Leveraging technology, in combination with the active and rigorous learning that is part of our YES Prep program, will help to ensure that students are set up for academic success.
All students will use a YES Prep provided laptop as part of their daily learning experience. This Technology Use Policy has been developed to guide the appropriate use of technology by students and families. Students and families must agree to the following terms to be allowed to use technology at YES Prep. Use of the technology provided by YES Prep is a required tool to ensure academic success. It is required that families agree to this policy as part of the Student Handbook and as a condition of use of YES Prep systems.
Students must follow the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct. Students will also be in violation of this policy if the use of technology is not in accordance with state and federal laws.
Students shall understand that should they be found in violation of this policy. the consequences could include, but are not limited to: restricting access to the device, disabling device features or applications, the revocation of all network access, suspension or exclusion from school, or legal action by the authorities. Students and/or families should contact their campus administration if they have any question about this policy or its implementation.
This policy will be reviewed within five years of adoption, or when necessary due to signification change in technology access or usage by students.
Acceptable Use
1. Students shall not use their own personal information or the personal information of other students and staff electronically unless for valid learning activities necessary to carry out their education. Personal information directly identifies a person (i.e., name, address, social security number or other identifying number or code, telephone number. email address, etc.). This may include additional information such as gender, race, birthdate, and locations.
2. Students shall use the Internet and all forms of school technology responsibly. School technology includes, but is not limited to, computers, calculators, tablets, printers, copiers, cameras, and interactive web resources that serve educational purposes. This policy extends to use of technology that students may be able to use off-site.
3. Students shall respect the rights of copyright owners by limiting copying to essential materials and providing attribution (citations) for images and text. Students shall not engage in plagiarism, copying, or distributing copyrighted material, without the express permission of the author of publisher. Students shall avoid plagiarism by ensuring that their papers and projects reflect their thoughts and ideas as well as cited paraphrases, summaries, and quotations.
4. Students shall understand that the network is a valuable resource for teaching, learning, and many other forms of productivity for students, staff, and families. Students shall understand that downloading large files or streaming content may compromise network speed and should avoid this type of activity without permission.
5. Students shall understand that their participation in internet web resources (using a personal device or not) must represent what is expected from a student at YES Prep Public Schools. Anything that is considered inappropriate in the classroom is also inappropriate in all uses of email, blogs, podcasts, social networking sites, messaging/chat sites, or other digital communication tools. This includes, but is not limited to, disrespectful, bullying, profane, racist, sexist, or other discriminatory remarks. Additionally, students shall promptly inform a teacher or administrator of any suspected inappropriate content.
6. Students shall understand that provided Internet access is filtered. If they need access to a blocked site, they shall work with their teachers to explore options available and escalate to the district technology team. Students shall not attempt to bypass any block sites, set up virtual private network (VPN) connections, or circumvent the filter in any manner.
7. Students shall not misuse the YES Prep network to develop plans that harass other users or penetrate a computer or network. This includes methods of social engineering to obtain data or passwords belonging to other individuals within YES or misrepresent other users on the YES network.
8. Students shall not impersonate nor access someone else's accounts on any device. Students shall not delete or tamper with anyone else's files, folders, or work. Students shall not let another student access their accounts on any device.
9. Students shall understand that files, services, and devices provided by and/or managed by the district are not private. There is no expectation of privacy when students use the district's network, devices, and services, and anything they do can be viewed by the administration at any time.
10. Students and their families shall understand that unless superseded by the liability schedule of a specific program they will be liable for full repair and replacement costs for damage to school property, whether intentional of through negligence, including electronic devices.
11. Students shall understand that attempts to override, disable, alter, or circumvent security restrictions, management systems, or device firmware will be considered intentional damage.