YES Prep Public Schools

Family Association

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Family associations at YES Prep schools exist to support the educational experience of YES Prep students. Family Associations are groups of families, parents, teachers, and campus administrators all working together! They foster closer connections between school and home by encouraging parent and family involvement, and they seek to improve the environment at our schools through volunteering and partnering with the school on campus initiatives.

What is a Family Association? 

A family association is a group of YES Prep families, teachers, and staff members that facilitate family participation on campus. Family associations are led by YES Prep families and family association representatives. Family association representatives are responsible for the communication and documentation of family association gatherings and volunteer projects. These associations are similar to PTA/PTO (parent-teacher organizations), however, Family associations aim for broader family & campus support, while PTAs focus on the specific needs of a school community.  Family Association members participate in fundraisers, focus groups, campus initiative projects, and campus celebration events. 

Become part of your campus Family Association today! 

Family Association Member Form

Complete this form to receive information about how to volunteer and support your campus Family Association! If you have any questions call/text 713-836-0602

Family Association Representative

*NEW TO 2023-2024 SCHOOL YEAR*

The Family Association Representative is an administrative support to the Family Association at YES Prep.

This role is to ensure the Family Association operates as a community group for their campus families.

To learn more about the role please review the job description below, as well as interest meetings and application to serve in this role. 

Applications for this role are now open! Please reach out to your school principal for more information, please click here.


For additional questions, please contact the Director of Family Engagement, Isamar Lopez-Veracruz (she). To reach the Director of Family Engagement, please call/text at 832-224-5931 or email