It is action-packed! Typically, you will have two planning periods and six teaching periods. You may have lunch duty where you will supervise students and build transformative relationships. You also may need to check in with your Dean of Instruction, Dean of Students, and Instructional Coach during an off-period to improve your craft as an educator, which in turn maximizes student achievement. It is recommended that you typically arrive 30 minutes before the start time of your campus to prep for the day-- ensuring the lesson plan and materials are printed for the day, the lesson plan is posted, your inbox is cleared, and your classroom is set up for students. You may have morning or afternoon duty for your campus, which means you would come to school earlier/stay later to be on duty for 15-20 minutes to ensure students’ safety as they are arriving to or leaving campus. You may need to stay after school to print materials for the next school day or week, grade assignments, hold tutorials, attend professional development, meet with parents, attend an open house or report card night, etc.