YES Prep’s upcoming Family Workshops will consist of a 4-week series on mental health titled “The Teen Brain: A Neurodevelopmental Guide for Parents and Families.” The series will be presented by Dr. Crystal Collier LIVE on Microsoft Teams on Tuesdays from 5 to 6 p.m. starting March 9 through April 6. Please note that there will be no presentation on Tuesday, March 16, during Spring Break. This informative series will cover the topics of stress, substance abuse, technology and behavior modification.
To register for the event, click on the button below. By registering, we will be able to send you a reminder about the sessions, plus we can tailor the session to best meet the needs of those in attendance. Dr. Collier will also be using the attendance list from each session to raffle off a copy of her new book, the Neurowhereabouts Guide, a nuerodevelopmental guide for parents and families who want to prevent youth high-risk behavior.
Series dates and topics:
The brain and stress
Rates of anxiety, depression and stress are on the rise as the technology age adds stressors and reduces face-to-face playtime. Performance anxiety and perfectionism seem to be the new norm and children are experiencing these issues at younger ages than their parents did. In this presentation, families will learn the effects of stress and mood disorders on the developing brain, as well as active coping skills and tools for managing anxiety.
<<Click here to view session recording>>
The brain and substance abuse
The average age of first use of alcohol for teen boys is 11 and 13 for teen girls. Marijuana use is occurring at earlier ages, especially in states where it is legal. Engaging in substance use as a teen increases the chance of struggling with addiction as an adult by up to 90%. The risk is greater for those who carry genetic predispositions. In this presentation, families will learn how substances affect healthy neurodevelopment and what they can do to prevent it.
<<Click here to view session recording>>
- The brain and technology
Being a digital native means growing up with all the pros and cons of using technology from a young age. In this presentation, families will learn the effects of technology on the developing brain including how technology overuse can lead to addiction. Effects on mood, sleep, relationships and behavior will also be discussed. Solutions regarding healthy technology limits, treatment issues and technology overuse problems will also be covered.
<<<Click here to view session recording>>
- April 6 – The brain and behavior modification
Is your child's behavior out of control sometimes? Does it leave you feeling powerless? In this presentation, families will learn the most productive parenting role to take depending upon their child's neurodevelopmental stage. The learning principles of shaping will be described and applied to the use of behavior-modification contracts. Bring your questions!
<<<Click here to view session recording>>>
Meet our presenter:
Dr. Crystal Collier is a therapist and educator who has been working with adolescents and adults suffering from mental illness, behavioral problems and substance use disorders since 1991. To learn more about her story and her powerful message, you can visit her website.
Recommend to view prior to starting series:
We strongly encourage you to watch The Science of High-Risk Behavior prior to the first session as we had to cut this foundational session due to the winter storm disruption.
Please note: If you are watching on a laptop, you can view the video with subtitles in your preferred language by turning on captions then selecting your preferred language from the dropdown menu under the icon that looks like a gear.