YES Prep Public Schools

Structures & Supports

Jamie Downs  with four students
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Commitment

At YES Prep, we commit to transformative social and emotional learning where all community members build strong relationships founded on strong self-concept, an appreciation of similarities and differences, explore concepts of race and identity, learn to critically examine root causes of inequity, and develop collaborative solutions to school and community problems. We do this to ensure all community members can find success and lead choice-filled lives.


In order to best learn and thrive, we believe students need a caring and structured environment. To achieve this, YES Prep has designed a school-wide discipline system so that expectations and consequences are predictable and consistent in all classrooms. 

Click here to see the full Student Handbook.     

Student Support

What makes our schools strong is a commitment to building a caring, family-like culture on every campus so that students feel supported throughout their experience at YES Prep. Each campus has a student support team made up of 2 full-time Student Support Counselors, the Dean of Students, and several teachers who work together to ensure students have the academic and personal support they need to be successful. 

Click here for more information on our student support systems.